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Horological Meandering: Vast problem, I doubt downsizing is a valid option, because as you rightfully mentionned, which one to get rid of ? Plus after some time, you will realize that these empty spots in your watch box deserve better than an empty cushion !

And from there, back again tracking your new future watch ! On my side I go to the safe every now and then and select a few watches (from the ones that deserve to stay at the bank) and will start a rotation with these. Good thing is, that you are very happy to wear these as you haven't for a long ti
By: montres1

Automotive: I have driven my parents' MG B Cabriolet a few times, and I like the "old school" driving. I don't have experience when it comes to racing though. For sure if you put on modern tires, you might have to upgrade the suspension

otherwise they might suffer from the high-adherence tyres and put under pressure. That's the thing with old cars, the improved modern technology generates abnormal or extra wear and tear on other parts.
By: montres1

Automotive: If I may, what about an MG B (GT or convertible, but I guess GT better for extreme conditions). It is quite cheap quite reliable (for a British car !), and the fact it is British you can source all kind of spares in the UK, almost everything

is available for a full rebuild in case + improvements. I guess a good way to start, and then you can still evolve later on towards something fancier and more expensive. Let us know what your choice is !
By: montres1

TimeOut: Love it !!! :D :D :D

By: montres1